An aa .eu, shared wi ither European Union member states.
Territorial organization
The Czech Republic (Czech: Česká republika), Czechie (Czech: Česko, o Czechland) is a laundlockit kintra in Central Europe an is a member o the European Union. It haes a laund mairch wi Poland in the Nor-East, Germany in the Nor-Wast, Austrick in the sooth an Slovakie in the east. Its caipital city is Prague (Czech: Praha) is a weel-faured destination o tourists. It haes a population o ower 10,400,000 indwallers.
↑Ceetizens belangin tae minorities, that tradeetionally an on a lang-term basis leeve athin the territory o the Czech Republic, enjoy the richt tae uise thair leid in communication wi authorities an in coorts o law (for the leet o recognised minorities see Naitional Minorities Policy o the Govrenment o the Czech Republic, Beloroushie an Vietnamese syne 4 Julie 2013, see Česko má nové oficiální národnostní menšiny. Vietnamce a Bělorusy). Airticle 25 o the Czech Chairter o Fundamental Richts an Basic Freedoms ensurs the richt o the naitional an ethnic minorities tae eddication an communication wi the authorities in their awn leid. Act No. 500/2004 Coll. (The Administrative Rule) in its paragraph 16 (4) (Procedural Language) ensurs that a ceetizen o the Czech Republic that belangs tae a naitional or an ethnic minority, that tradeetionally an on a lang-term basis leeves athin the territory o the Czech Republic, haes the richt tae address an admeenistrative augency an proceed afore it in the leid o the minority. If the admeenistrative agency haes na employee wi knawledge o the leid, the augency is boond tae obteen a translator at the augency's awn expense. Accordin tae Act No. 273/2001 (Concernin the Richts o Members o Minorities) paragraph 9 (The richt tae uise leid o a naitional minority in dealin wi authorities an in front o the coorts o law) the same an aa applees tae members o naitional minorities in the coorts o law.
↑The Slovak leid mey be conseedert an offeecial leid in the Czech Republic unner certain circumstances, as defined bi several laws – e.g. law 500/2004, 337/1992. Soorce: Citit: "Například Správní řád (zákon č. 500/2004 Sb.) stanovuje: "V řízení se jedná a písemnosti se vyhotovují v českém jazyce. Účastníci řízení mohou jednat a písemnosti mohou být předkládány i v jazyce slovenském ..." (§ 16, odstavec 1). Zákon o správě daní a poplatků (337/1992 Sb.) "Úřední jazyk: Před správcem daně se jedná v jazyce českém nebo slovenském. Veškerá písemná podání se předkládají v češtině nebo slovenštině ..." (§ 3, odstavec 1).