Democracie (or democracy) is a poleetical form o govrenment in which governin pouer is derived frae the fowk, aither bi direct referendum (direct democracie) or bi means o electit representatives o the fowk (representative democracie).[1] The term comes frae the Greek: δημοκρατία – (dēmokratía) "rule o the fowk",[2] which wis coined frae δῆμος (dêmos) "fowk" an κράτος (Kratos) "pouer", in the middle o the 5t-4t centurie BC tae denote the poleetical seestems then existin in some Greek ceetie-states, notablie Athens follaein a popular uprisin in 508 BC.[3] Even tho thare is nae specific, universallie acceptit definition o 'democracie',[4] equalitie an freedom hae been identified as important characteristics o democracie syne ancient times.[5] Thir principles are reflectit in aw ceetizens bein equal afore the law an haein equal access tae pouer. For ensaumple, in a representative democracie, iverie vote haes equal wecht, nae restrictions can apply tae onyane wantin tae acome a representative, an the freedom o its ceetizens is secured bi legitimized richts an liberties which are generallie protectit bi a constitution.[6][7]
Thare are several varieties o democracie, some o which provide better representation an mair freedoms for thair ceetizens than ithers.[8][9] Housomeivver, if onie democracie is no carefullie legislatit – throu the uise o balances – tae avoid an uneven distribution o poleetical pouer, sic as the separation o pouers, then a branch o the seestem o rule coud accumulate pouer sicweys acome undemocratic.[10][11][12]
The "majoritie rule" is aften describit as a characteristic featur o democracie, but athoot governmental or constitutional protections of individual liberties, it is possible for a minoritie o individuals tae be oppressed bi the "tyrannie o the majoritie". An essential process in representative democracies is competitive elections that are fair baith substantively[13] an procedurallie.[14] Furthermore, freedom o poleetical expression, freedom o speech, an freedom o the press are essential sae that ceetizens are informed an able tae vote in thair personal interests.[15][16]
Popular sovereigntie is common but no a universal motivatin subject for establishin a democracie.[17] In some kintras, democracie is based on the philosophical principle o equal richts. Monie fowk uise the term "democracie" as shorthand for liberal democracie, which mey include additional elements sic as political pluralism; equalitie afore the law; the right to petition elected officials for redress of grievances; due process; civil liberties; human richts; an elements o ceevil societie ootside the govrenment.
In the Unitit States, separation o pouers is aften cited as a supportin attribute, but in ither kintras, sic as the Unitit Kinrick, the dominant philosophie is parliamentarie sovereigntie (tho in practice judicial independence is generallie maintained). In ither cases, "democracie" is uised tae mean direct democracie. Tho the term "democracie" is typicallie uised in the context o a poleetical state, the principles are applicable tae private organizations an ither groups an aa.
Democracie haes its oreegins in Auncient Greece.[18][19] Housomeivver ither culturs hae significantlie contributit tae the evolution o democracie sic as Ancient Rome,[18] Europe,[18] an North an South Americae.[20] The concept o representative democracie arose largelie frae ideas an institutions that developed durin the European Middle Ages an the Age o Enlichtenment an in the American an French Revolutions.[21] Democracie haes been cried the "last form of government" an haes spread considerably across the globe.[22] The richt tae vote haes been expandit in monie Jurisdictions ower time frae relatively narrae groups (sic as wealthie men o a parteecular ethnic group), wi New Zealand the first naition tae grant universal suffrage for aw its ceetizens in 1893.