The Dictionar o the Scots Leid (DSL) is an onwab Scots-Inglis dictionar, ran bi Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd, a cherity an leemitit company. The dictionar is freely appen on the wab an compreises the twa leadin dictionar o the Scots leid:
DOST contains information aboot Aulder Scots wirds in uise frae the 12t tae the end o the 17t yearhunners (Early an Middle Scots); an SND contains information anent Scots wirds in uise frae 1700 tae the 1970s (Modren Scots). Thegither thon 22 volume gies a comprehensive history o Scots. The SND Bibliography an the DOST Register o Titles haes been digitised an aw, an can be sairched in the same wey as the main data files. A new supplement, compilit bi Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd, wis addit in 2005.
The digitisation project, that ran frae Februar 2001 tae Januar 2004, wis based at the Varsity o Dundee, wi some ither pootch stoop frae the Scottish Executive, the Arts and Humanities Research Board, Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd, the Russell Trust, an the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. The project wis direckit bi Victor Skretkowicz an editit bi Susan Rennie.[1][2][3]