Turski rat za nezavisnost (turski: İstiklâl Harbi, doslovno "Rat za nezavisnost" ili Kurtuluş Savaşı, doslovno "Oslobodilački rat;") je naziv za niz međusobno povezanih oružanih sukoba koji su se od 1919. do 1923. vodili između turskih nacionalista okupljenih u Turski nacionalni pokret na jednoj, i država Antante na drugoj strani. Uzrok je predstavljao poraz Osmanskog Carstva u prvom svjetskom ratu, odnosno podjela njegovih teritorija među pobjedničkim silama, koja je izazvala etničke sukobe na područjima sa miješanim stanovništvom, a koji su, pak, služili kao izgovor silama Antante da okupiraju značajne dijelove Turske. Nacionalisti, na čije se čelo stavio proslavljeni vojskovođa Mustafa Kemal paša, su glavno uporište imali u unutrašnjosti Anadolije gdje je osnovana privremena vlada koja se suprotstavila ne samo savezničkim trupama, nego i osmanskom sultanu i nominalnoj turskoj vladi u Istanbulu pod britanskom okupacijom koja je 1920. potpisala mirovni sporazum u Sevresu. Nacionalisti su, zahvaljujući gerilskoj strategiji, Kemalovom vojničkom umijeću, logističkim problemima za Antantine trupe, podršci Sovjetske Rusije, kao i sve većim nesuglasicama između saveznika s vremenom stegli prevagu i sva tri važnija sukoba - sa Francuskom oko južne granice (1920 - 1921), novostvorenom državom Armenijom (1920) oko istočne, te sa Grčkom (1919 - 1922) oko zapadne granice uspjeli riješiti u svoju korist. Rat, koji je formalno okončan sporazumom u Lausannei 1923. je imao značajne posljedice u transformaciji Turske u etnički homogenu nacionalnu državu, ukidanju kalifata i uvođenju republikanskog uređenja kojim su omogućene sekularne Atatürkove reforme 1920-ih i 1930-ih, ali i u masovnom etničkom čišćenju ne-turskog stanovništva koje dan-danas opterećuje odnose Turske sa susjednom Grčkom i Armenijom.
- ↑ Chester Neal Tate, Governments of the World: a Global Guide to Citizens' Rights and Responsibilities, Macmillan Reference USA/Thomson Gale, 2006, p. 205.
- ↑ Jelavich, Barbara (1983). History of the Balkans: Twentieth century. Cambridge University Press. str. 131. ISBN 978-0-521-27459-3.
- ↑ The Place of the Turkish Independence War in the American Press (1918-1923) by Bülent Bilmez Arhivirano 2018-06-02 na Wayback Machine-u: "...the occupation of western Turkey by the Greek armies under the control of the Allied Powers, the discord among them was evident and publicly known. As the Italians were against this occupation from the beginning, and started "secretly" helping the Kemalists, this conflict among the Allied Powers, and the Italian support for the Kemalists were reported regularly by the American press."
- ↑ „Mütareke Döneminde Mustafa Kemal Paşa-Kont Sforza Görüşmesi, Mevlüt Çelebi”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2018-12-22. Pristupljeno 2019-08-29.
- ↑ „Mustafa Kemal Paşa – Kont Sforza ve İtalya İlişkisi”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2019-08-23. Pristupljeno 2019-08-23.
- ↑ Stanley E. Kerr: The Lions of Marash: Personal Experiences with American Near East Relief, 1919-1922, SUNY Press, 1973, ISBN 978-1-4384-0882-8, page 68
- ↑ Western Society for French History. Meeting, Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History (Volume 24), New Mexico State University Press, 1996, p. 206.
- ↑ Briton Cooper Busch: Mudros to Lausanne: Britain's Frontier in West Asia, 1918-1923, SUNY Press, 1976, ISBN 0-87395-265-0, p. 216.
- ↑ "British Indian troops attacked by Turks; thirty wounded and British officer captured-- Warships' guns drive enemy back," New York Times (June 18, 1920).
- ↑ "Allies occupy Constantinople; seize ministries; Turkish and British Indian soldiers killed in a clash at the War Office," New York Times (March 18, 1920).
- ↑ Jack Sweetman: American Naval History: An Illustrated Chronology of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, Volume 3, 1775-Present, Naval Institute Press, 2002, ISBN 1-55750-867-4, p. 132.
- ↑ "Smyrna is taken away from Turkey," New York Times (May 17, 1919).
- ↑ "90 casualties in Samsun," New York Times (June 12, 1922).
- ↑ Burning of the French Transport Vinh-Long, 16 December 1922 Arhivirano 2014-08-18 na Wayback Machine-u, Department of the Navy - Naval Historical Center.
- ↑ Henry Putney Beers; Robert Greenhalgh Albion; E. J. Leahy; R. H. Bahmer: U.S. Naval Detachment in Turkish Waters, 1919-1924, Office of Records Administration, Administrative Office, Navy Department, 1943.
- ↑ Hulki Cevizoğlu, 1919'un Şifresi (Gizli ABD İşgalinin Belge ve Fotoğrafları), Ceviz Kabuğu Yayınları, 2007, ISBN 975-6613-23-8, pp. 64-65
- ↑ Ergün Aybars, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti tarihi I, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 1984, pg 319-334 (tr)
- ↑ Turkish General Staff, Türk İstiklal Harbinde Batı Cephesi, Edition II, Part 2, Ankara 1999, p. 225
- ↑ 19,0 19,1 Celâl Erikan, Rıdvan Akın: Kurtuluş Savaşı tarihi, Türkiye İş̧ Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2008, ISBN 9944-88-447-2, page 339. (tr)
- ↑ Arnold J. Toynbee/Kenneth P Kirkwood, Turkey, Benn 1926, p. 92
- ↑ History of the Campaign of Minor Asia, General Staff of Army, Directorate of Army History, Athens, 1967, p. 140: on June 11 (OC) 6,159 officers, 193,994 soldiers (=200,153 men)
- ↑ A. A. Pallis: Greece's Anatolian Venture - and After, Taylor & Francis, p. 56 (footnote 5).
- ↑ "When Greek meets Turk; How the Conflict in Asia Minor Is Regarded on the Spot - King Constantine's View," T. Walter Williams, New York Times, September 10, 1922.
- ↑ Isaiah Friedman: British Miscalculations: The Rise of Muslim Nationalism, 1918-1925, Transaction Publishers, 2012, ISBN 1-4128-4710-9, page 239
- ↑ Charles à Court Repington: After the War, Simon Publications LLC, 2001, ISBN 1-931313-73-3, page 67
- ↑ T.C. Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Harp Tarihi Dairesi Resmî Yayınları, Türk İstiklal Harbi: Güney Cephesi, Edition 4, Ankara 1966, pg 47
- ↑ Anahide Ter Minassian: La république d'Arménie. 1918-1920 La mémoire du siècle., éditions complexe, Bruxelles 1989 ISBN 2-87027-280-4, pg 220
- ↑ 28,0 28,1 Ronald L. Tarnstrom: Balkan battles, Trogen Books, 1999, ISBN 0-922037-14-0, page 107
- ↑ According to: Red Army invasion of Georgia
- ↑ Milli Mücadelede İç Ayaklanmalar, Yunus Kobal, Hacettepe University
- ↑ Aybars, 1984, pg 262-290
- ↑ 32,0 32,1 Kate Fleet, Suraiya Faroqhi, Reşat Kasaba: The Cambridge History of Turkey Volume 4, Cambridge University Press, 2008, ISBN 0-521-62096-1, p. 159.
- ↑ 33,0 33,1 Sabahattin Selek: Millî mücadele - Cilt I (engl.: National Struggle - Edition I), Burçak yayınevi, 1963, page 109. (tr)
- ↑ Ahmet Özdemir, Savaş esirlerinin Milli mücadeledeki yeri Arhivirano 2017-09-18 na Wayback Machine-u, Ankara University, Türk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü Atatürk Yolu Dergisi, Edition 2, Number 6, 1990, pg 328-332
- ↑ Σειρά Μεγάλες Μάχες: Μικρασιατική Καταστροφή (Νο 8), συλλογική εργασία, έκδοση περιοδικού Στρατιωτική Ιστορία, Εκδόσεις Περισκόπιο, Αθήνα, Νοέμβριος 2002, σελίδα 64 (el)
- ↑ Ali Çimen, Göknur Göğebakan: Tarihi Değiştiren Savaşlar, Timas Yayınevi, ISBN 975-263-486-9, 2. Cilt, 2007, sayfa 321 (tr)
- ↑ Stephen Vertigans: Islamic Roots and Resurgence in Turkey: Understanding and Explaining the Muslim Resurgence, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003, ISBN 0-275-98051-0, page 41.
- ↑ Nicole Pope, Hugh Pope: Turkey Unveiled: A History of Modern Turkey, Overlook Press, 2000, ISBN 1-58567-096-0, page 58.
- ↑ Stephen Joseph Stillwell, Anglo-Turkish relations in the interwar era, Edwin Mellen Press, 2003, ISBN 0-7734-6776-9, page 46.
- ↑ Richard Ernest Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt Dupuy, The Harper encyclopedia of military history: from 3500 BC to the present, ISBN 0-06-270056-1, HarperCollins, 1993, page 1087
- ↑ Revue internationale d'histoire militaire - Issues 46-48, University of Michigan, 1980, page 227.
- ↑ Robert W.D. Ball: Gun Digest Books, 2011, ISBN 1-4402-1544-8, page 237
- ↑ Pars Tuğlacı: Tarih boyunca Batı Ermenileri, Pars Yayın, 2004, ISBN 975-7423-06-8, p. 794.
- ↑ Christopher J. Walker, Armenia: The Survival of a Nation, Croom Helm, 1980, p. 310.
- ↑ Death by Government, Rudolph Rummel, 1994.
- ↑ Armenia : The Survival of a Nation, Christopher Walker, 1980.
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