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Gold can count as a type of wealth or money due to its status as a precious metal

Wealth often means that much money is available. But there are several other aspects that can be more important. If one thinks of single persons one will look at their personal property or assets like land and livestock. Looking at countries one thinks of GDP per capita and of natural capital.

The original meaning of the old English word for "weal", where wealth comes from, was "well-being" or welfare. (It was an adjective.)

Wealth, in the traditional sense, refers to the accumulation of valuable resources or assets. This includes tangible items such as real estate, valuable commodities, stocks, bonds, and savings.

For individuals, wealth is often measured by the total value of their assets minus liabilities.

For countries, wealth is assessed by factors like national resources, infrastructure, and the overall economic output. Wealth can also be influenced by factors such as access to capital, natural resources, and human labor, which contribute to a nation's ability to produce goods and services and sustain economic growth over time.

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