Za pomoč glejte Wikipedija:Medjezikovne povezave#Medvrstične medjezikovne povezave
Dokler stran na tej Wikipediji ne obstaja (t.j. "rdeča povezava") bo ta predloga začasno izpisovala povezave na enega ali več ustreznih strani izven Slovenske Wikipedije. Izpiše se rdeča povezava, ki ji sledi ne-slovenska povezava oz. povezave. Če z miško greste preko jezikovne kode ne-slovenske povezave, se bo prikazalo ime članka iz ne-slovenske Wikipedije. Ko je enkrat slovenski članek ustvarjen, se ne-slovenska povezava skrije.
Predloga se lahko uporablja na več načinov. Izpiše lahko povezavo na enega ali več jezikov ali na tabelo jezikov iz Wikipodatkov. Lahko se naredi tudi povezava na pregledovalnik Wikipodatkov Magnus Manske Reasonator .
Celoten seznam jezikovnih kod lahko najdete na Seznam Wikipedij .
Za povezavo na tujejezični članek z enakim naslovom kot ga ima Slovenska Wikipedija uporabite parametre:
{{ill|Naslov članka|Koda jezika}}
{{ill|Sigmund Jakobsen|no}}
izpiše Sigmund JakobsenZa povezavo na tujejezični članek zrazličnim naslovom kot ga ima Slovenska Wikipedija uporabite parametre:
{{ill|Naslov slovenskega članka|Koda jezika|Naslov v tujem jeziku}}
{{ill|Mestna hiša Hooglede|nl|Gemeentehuis van Hooglede}}
izpiše Mestna hiša HoogledeZa povezavo na več tujih jezikov uporabite parametre:
{{ill|Naslov slovenskega članka|Jezikovna koda 1|Naslov v jeziku 1|Jezikovna koda 2|Naslov v jeziku 2|...}}
Uporabite lahko do 5 jezikov.
Če ima tujejezični članek enak naslov kot slovenski članek, navajanje naslovov članka ni potrebno.
{{ill|Michael|en|de|fr|af|Michael (naam)}}
izpiše Michael
{{ill|Olena Čaplinska|uk|Олена Чаплинська|ru|Чаплинская, Гелена|ja|モトローナ・チャプリーンシカ}}
Za povezavo na Wikipodatke na tabelo jezikov v katerem so članki že ustvarjeni uporabite parametre:
{{ill|Naslov članka v Slovenski Wikipediji|WD=Wikidata item code}}
Vse ostale povezave se ignorirajo, če je uporabljen parameter |WD=
. Ker članek Jokery ne obstaja
se izpiše
Za povezavo na Reasonator dodajte v parameter |reasonator=
katerokoli vrednost. Če je Wikipodatek povezan, se bo Reasonator povezal na stran tega Wikipodatka; če pa ni povezan bo Reasonator izvedel poizvedbo na tem podatku.
Vhod | Izhod |
{{ill|Jokery|WD=Q131138|reasonator=1}} |
Jokery |
{{ill|Jokery|reasonator=1}} |
Jokery |
Če želite medjezikovne/Wikipodatki/Reasonator povezave izpisati, kljub temu, da članek na Slovenski Wikipediji obstaja, dodajte parametru |display=
vrednost 1
, y
, yes
ali force
Vhod | Izhod |
{{ill|Burleska|en|Burlesque|hu|Burleszk|de|Burlesque}} |
Burleska |
{{ill|Burleska|en|Burlesque|hu|Burleszk|de|Burlesque|display=1}} |
Burleska |
"Povezava z navpičnico" (kot je to [[Charles Darwin (botanik)|Charles Darwin]]) se lahko ustvari z uporabo parametra |lt=
za vidni del povezave. Članek Charles Darwin (botanik) ne obstaja
{{ill|Charles Darwin (botanik)|lt=Charles Darwin|fr|Charles Darwin|de|Charles Darwin|es|Charles Darwin}}
Opomba: Za ustvarjanje povezave z navpičnico ne uporabljajte {{!}}: {{ill|Maze (band){{!}}Maze|...}}
ni enako {{ill|Maze (band)|lt=Maze|...}}
. Če boste uporabili prvega, se medjezikovna povezava ne bo skrila, ko bo članek na Slovenski Wikipediji ustvarjen.
Običajno so izpisi medjezikovnih povezav, Wikipodatkov ali Reasonator-ja v normalnem fontu, toda, če je npr. dodana povezava v naslovni vrstici tabele, se bo skupaj s preostalim besedilo zapisala krekpo. V takšnem primeru lahko nastavite parameter |nobold=
Vhod | Izhod |
'''{{ill|Charles Darwin (botanik)|fr|Charles Darwin|de|Charles Darwin}}''' |
Charles Darwin (botanik) |
'''{{ill|nobold=1|Charles Darwin (botanik)|fr|Charles Darwin|de|Charles Darwin}}''' |
Charles Darwin (botanik) |
Navpična poravnava medjezikovnih/Wikidata/Reasonator povezav se lahko spremni:
- povezave so nadpisanevertical-align=sub
- povezave so podpisaneVhod | Izhod |
{{ill|vertical-align=sup|Charles Darwin (botanik)|fr|Charles Darwin|de|Charles Darwin}} |
Charles Darwin (botanik)[fr; de] |
{{ill|vertical-align=sub|Charles Darwin (botanik)|fr|Charles Darwin|de|Charles Darwin}} |
Charles Darwin (botanik) (fr; de) |
{{ill|Parni valjak|de|Parni valjak|en|Parni valjak|fr|Parni valjak|bs|Parni valjak}}
izpiše Parni valjak, ker članek Parni valjak tukaj obstaja{{ill|Parni valjak (band)|de|Parni valjak|en|Parni valjak|fr|Parni valjak|bs|Parni valjak}}
izpiše Parni valjak (band) , ker članek Parni valjak (band) tukaj ne obstaja{{ill|Parni valjak (band)|de||en||fr||bs|}}
izpiše Parni valjak (band) – čeprav je povezava izpisana modro, medjezikovne povezave ne bodo delovale, ker povezava kaže na prednastavljen naslov "Parni valjak (band)" - kar je napačno{{ill|Parni valjak (band)|lt=Parni valjak|de|Parni valjak|en|Parni valjak|fr|Parni valjak|bs|Parni valjak}}
izpiše Parni valjak – besedilo "Parni valjak" je sedaj rdeče povezano na "Parni valjak (band)"{{ill|Parni valjak|lt=Parni valjak (band)|de|Parni valjak|en|Parni valjak|fr|Parni valjak|bs|Parni valjak}}
izpiše Parni valjak (band) – besedilo "Parni valjak (band)" je sedaj povezano na članek "Parni valjak", ki obstajaTemplateData za Medjezikovna povezava
Link to other Wikipedias or Wikidata if an article in the English Wikipedia doesn't exist.
Parameter | Opis | Vrsta | Stanje | |
Article name | 1 | Name of the English Wikipedia page, or suggested name if the page does not exist | Ime strani | zahtevano |
Link text | lt | Text displayed for the link to the English Wikipedia article, if not the same as the article title
| Vrstica | predlagano |
1st language code | 2 | Language code for the 1st page in another language | Vrstica | predlagano |
1st page | 3 | Title of the page in the 1st other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | predlagano |
2nd language code | 4 | Language code for the 2nd page in another language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
2nd page | 5 | Title of the page in the 2nd other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
3rd language code | 6 | Language code for the 3rd page in another language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
3rd page | 7 | Title of the page in the 3rd other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
4th language code | 8 | Language code for the 4th page in another language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
4th page | 9 | Title of the page in the 4th other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
5th language code | 10 | Language code for the 5th page in another language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
5th page | 11 | Title of the page in the 5th other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
6th language code | 12 | Language code for the 6th page in another language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
6th page | 13 | Title of the page in the 6th other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
7th language code | 14 | Language code for the 7th page in another language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
7th page | 15 | Title of the page in the 7th other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
8th language code | 16 | Language code for the 8th page in another language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
8th page | 17 | Title of the page in the 8th other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
9th language code | 18 | Language code for the 9th page in another language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
9th page | 19 | Title of the page in the 9th other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
10th language code | 20 | Language code for the 10th page in another language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
10th page | 21 | Title of the page in the 10th other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
11th language code | 22 | Language code for the 11th page in another language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
11th page | 23 | Title of the page in the 11th other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
12th language code | 24 | Language code for the 12th page in another language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
12th page | 25 | Title of the page in the 12th other language, if not the same as the English Wikipedia page
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Wikidata item | WD wd | Wikidata item of the article. Replaces links to pages in other languages | Vrstica | predlagano |
Short WD link text | short s | If anything is set for this, Wikidata item link is displayed as 'd' | Niz | neobvezno |
Reasonator | reasonator | If anything is set for this, there is a link to the Reasonator page for the Wikidata item (if there is a link to an item) or to a Reasonator search for the English Wikipedia article title (if there is no item link) | Niz | neobvezno |
Preserve | preserve display | If anything is set for this, forces links to pages in other languages and projects to always display even if the English Wikipedia article exists | Niz | neobvezno |
No bold (or italic) | nobold | Forces links to other-language pages, Wikidata and Reasonator and the link brackets to have non-bold or -italic text | Niz | neobvezno |
Italicize | italic italics | If anything is set for this, puts italicization markup around the text to be linked, without including the bracketed inter-language links within the italics | Niz | neobvezno |
Vertical alignment | vertical-align valign v | Alters the position of language links from baseline, to superscript ('sup') or subscript ('sub') position, or prevents the font size of the language links from being reduced when used in infoboxes ('ib')
| Niz | neobvezno |
Quote | quote quotes | If anything is set for this, puts double quotation marks around the text to be linked, without linking those marks and without including the bracketed inter-language links within them | Niz | neobvezno |