Thallium, 81 Tl
Ki-pún sèng-chit Miâ, hû-hō
thallium, Tl Gōa-hêng
silvery white Thallium tī chiu-kî-piáu lāi ê ūi-tì
81 Goân-chú-liōng
204.38[ 1] (204.382–204.385)[ 2] Goân-sò͘ lūi-pia̍t
āu-kòe-tō͘ kim-sio̍k Cho̍k , hun-khu
13 cho̍k , p khu Chiu-kî
tē 6 chiu-kî Tiān-chú pâi-lia̍t
[Xe ] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p1 per shell
2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 3 Bu̍t-lí sèng-chit Siòng
kò͘-thé Iûⁿ-tiám
577 K (304 °C, 579 °F) Hut-tiám
1746 K (1473 °C, 2683 °F) Bi̍t-tō͘ (sek-un )
11.85 g·cm−3
11.22 g·cm−3 Iûⁿ-hoà-jia̍t
4.14 kJ·mol−1 Cheng-hoat-jia̍t
165 kJ·mol−1 Jia̍t-iông-liōng
26.32 J·mol−1 ·K−1
P (Pa)
1 k
10 k
100 k
tī T (K)
Goân-chú sèng-chit Sng-hòa-sò͘
3 , 2, 1 , −1, −2, −5[ 3] (a mildly basic oxide) Tiān-hū-tō͘
Pauling scale: 1.62 Tiān-lī-lêng
1st: 589.4 kJ·mol−1 2nd: 1971 kJ·mol−1 3rd: 2878 kJ·mol−1 Goân-chú pòaⁿ-kèng
empirical: 170 pm Kiōng-kè pòaⁿ-kèng
145±7 pm Van der Waals pòaⁿ-kèng
196 pm Cha̍p-lio̍k Chiⁿ-thé kò͘-chō
hexagonal close-packed (hcp) Siaⁿ-sok (sòe kùn-á)
818 m·s−1 (at 20 °C) Jia̍t-phòng-tiòng
29.9 µm·m−1 ·K−1 (at 25 °C) Jia̍t-thoân-tō-lu̍t
46.1 W·m−1 ·K−1 Tiān-chó͘-lu̍t
0.18 µΩ·m (at 20 °C) Chû-sèng
diamagnetic [ 4] Young hē-sò͘
8 GPa Shear hē-sò͘
2.8 GPa Bulk hē-sò͘
43 GPa Poisson pí
0.45 Mohs ngē-tō͘
1.2 Brinell ngē-tō͘
26.5–44.7 MPa CAS teng-kì pian-hō
7440-28-0 Le̍k-sú Hoat-hiān
William Crookes (1861) Siōng chá hû-lî
Claude-Auguste Lamy (1862) Chòe ún-tēng ê tông-ūi-sò͘
Chú bûn-chiong: thallium ê tông-ūi-sò͘
Decay modes in parentheses are predicted, but have not yet been observed
Thallium (Óa-im: "thá-li-ùm " ) sī 1 ê hoà-ha̍k goân-sò͘ . I ê goân-chú-hoan sī 81, hoà-ha̍k hû-hō sī Tl.
↑ Conventional Atomic Weights 2013 . Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights
↑ Standard Atomic Weights 2013 . Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights
↑ Dong, Z.-C.; Corbett, J. D. (1996). "Na23 K9 Tl15.3 : An Unusual Zintl Compound Containing Apparent Tl5 7- , Tl4 8− , Tl3 7− , and Tl5− Anions". Inorganic Chemistry . 35 (11): 3107–12. doi :10.1021/ic960014z .
↑ Lide, D. R., pian. (2005). "Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds". CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (PDF) (86th pán.). Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-0486-5 . Archived from the original on 2011-03-03. 2016-05-23 khòaⁿ--ê .