The Mandalorian, an American space Western television series set in the Star Wars universe created by Jon Favreau and released on Disney+, features an extensive cast of characters. Since the show's debut on November 12, 2019, only one character has appeared in every episode: the protagonist and title character, a bounty hunter primarily known simply as "The Mandalorian" (Din Djarin). Grogu (The Child) is a young alien of the same species as Star Wars character Yoda and the show's hugely popular breakout character, colloquially known among the fandom as "Baby Yoda".[1]
Several supporting characters appeared in at least three episodes of the first season of The Mandalorian, credited as co-starring. These include allies of the Mandalorian such as Cara Dune, Greef Karga, IG-11, Kuiil, and The Armorer. The primary villains of the series belong to a remnant of the Galactic Empire, which is led by Moff Gideon and includes such agents as The Client and Penn Pershing. A handful of guest characters made appearances in single episodes, including villagers from the planet Sorgan in "Chapter 4: Sanctuary", a band of mercenaries in "Chapter 6: The Prisoner", and several minor antagonists.