Analog television encoding systems by nation: NTSC (green), SECAM (orange), and PAL (blue)
NTSC-J or "System J" is the informal designation for the analoguetelevision standard used in Japan. The system is based on the US NTSC (NTSC-M) standard with minor differences.[1] While NTSC-M is an official CCIR[2][3][4] and FCC[5][6][7] standard, NTSC-J or "System J" are a colloquial indicators.
The system was introduced by NHK and NTV, with regular color broadcasts starting on September 10, 1960.[8][9]
The term NTSC-J is also incorrectly and informally used to distinguish regions in console video games, which use televisions (see Marketing definition below).
^National Television System Committee (1951–1953), Report and Reports of Panel No. 11, 11-A, 12–19, with Some supplementary references cited in the Reports, and the Petition for adoption of transmission standards for color television before the Federal Communications Commission, n.p., 1953], 17 v. illus., diagrs., tables. 28 cm. LC Control No.:54021386 Library of Congress Online Catalog