Suicide is a major national public health issue in the India. 171,000 suicides were recorded in 2022, registering a 4.2% increase over 2021 and a jump of 27% compared to 2018. The rate of suicide per 100,000 population has increased to 12.4 in 2022 which is the highest year for this data.[1][2][3] Suicides during 2022 increased by 27% in comparison to 2018 with India reporting highest number of suicides in the world.[4] India's contribution to global suicide deaths increased from 25.3% in 1990 to 36.6% in 2016 among women, and from 18.7% to 24.3% among men.[5] In 2016, suicide was the most common cause of death in both the age groups of 15–29 years and 15–39 years.[6] Daily wage earners accounted for 26% of suicide victims, the largest group in the suicide data.[7][8]
The male-to-female suicide ratio in 2021 was 72.5 : 27.4.[9]
Estimates for number of suicides in India vary. For example, a study published in The Lancet projected 187,000 suicides in India in 2010,[10] while official data by the Government of India claims 134,600 suicides in the same year.[11] Similarly, for 2019, while NCRB reported India's suicide rate to be 10.4, according to WHO data, the estimated age-standardized suicide rate in India for the same year is 12.9. They have estimated it to be 11.1 for women and 14.7 for men.[12]