Tan | |
Common connotations | |
skin color, sunbathing | |
![]() | |
Hex triplet | #D2B48C |
sRGBB (r, g, b) | (210, 180, 140) |
HSV (h, s, v) | (34°, 33%, 82%) |
CIELChuv (L, C, h) | (75, 39, 56°) |
Source | X11 |
ISCC–NBS descriptor | Grayish yellow |
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) | |
Some shades of Tan | |
Dark Tan |
Tan is a pale tone of brown. The name is derived from tannum (oak bark) used in the tanning of leather.[1]
The first recorded use of tan as a color name in English was in the year 1590.[2]
Colors which are similar or may be considered synonymous to tan include: tawny, tenné, and fulvous.