The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), established under the TCRA Act No. 12 of 2003, is an independent body responsible for overseeing the postal, broadcasting, and electronic communications industries in the United Republic of Tanzania. It is headquartered in the Mikocheni ward of Kinondoni District in the Dar es Salaam Region. The TCRA was formed through the merger of the former Tanzania Communications Commission and the Tanzania Broadcasting Commission and is accountable to the Ministry of Communications and Technology.
Tanzania's Information Communication and Technology (ICT) sector reforms have been shaped by regional, national political, and technological factors. Notably, Tanzania is among the few African countries to liberalize its communications sector, adopting the Converged Licensing Framework (CLF) as a key regulatory strategy under the Tanzania Communications Regulations.
Since its establishment in 2003, the TCRA has introduced numerous regulations to govern the sector. However, it continues to face challenges, including the rollout of services to underserved rural areas.