

Portneuf on Cwuebece
Ðæs Cyninges Canadiscan Geatwe
Þēodlic cwide: A Mari Usque Ad Mare
(Englisc: "Fram Sæ to Sæ")
Ambihtlicu sprǣc Niwe Englisc and Frencisc
Steall Sundorrice in þære Þeodacynewisan
Heafodstol Ottawa
Brego Carl III Cyning
Heah Ealdorman [nan]
Leodweardes heafod Justin Trudeau
Bradnes 3,855,100 mila2
Menniscu 2016 35,151,728
Landesforþbæro C$1.628 x1012
Feoh Canadisc Doler, $
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid Newfoundland Time Zone, Atlantic Time Zone, UTC−04:00, Eastern Time Zone, UTC−05:00, Central Time Zone, UTC−06:00, Mountain Time Zone, UTC−07:00, Pacific Time Zone
Þēodlic antefn O Canada
Wægnplatung CDN
Webbnamena tægl .ca
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande 1

Canada is land in Norðamerican. Þis land hæfþ 40 þusenda þusend menn. Niwe Englisc and Frencisc sind ambihtlica spræca. In norþ Niwu Scotlande folce spræc Scyttiscgaelisc and Niwe Englisc.

Canada - Ogłoszenia lokalne