Druga intifada (arapski: الانتفاضة الثانية, 'Drugi ustanak'), također poznata kao Intifada Al-Akse,[1] bila je velika pobuna Palestinaca protiv Izraela i njegove okupacije od 2000. Period pojačanog nasilja na palestinskim teritorijama i Izraelu nastavio se do Samit u Šarm El Šeiku 2005, kojim su okončana neprijateljstva.[1][2][3]
Nagađa se da su generalni pokretači nemira bili usredotočeni na neuspjeh samita u Camp Davidu 2000., za koji se očekivalo da će se postići konačni dogovor o izraelsko-palestinskom mirovnom procesu u julu 2000.[4] Porast nasilnih incidenata počeo je u septembru 2000, nakon što je izraelski političar Ariel Sharon napravio provokativnu posjetu Brdu hrama;[5][4] sama posjeta je bila mirna, ali je, kako se i očekivalo, izazvala proteste i nerede koje je izraelska policija ugušila gumenim mecima, bojevom municijom i suzavcem.[6] U prvih nekoliko dana ustanka, Izraelske odbrambene snage su ispalie milion komada municije.[7]
Tokom prvih nekoliko sedmica ustanka, omjer ubijenih Palestinaca i Izraelaca bio je oko 20 prema 1.[8] Izraelske sigurnosne snage su vršili pucnjave, ciljana ubistva, tenkovske napade i zračne napade; Palestinci su učestvovali u pucnjavi, bacanju kamena i raketnim napadima.[9][10] Otprilike 138 samoubilačkih bombaških napada koje su izvele palestinske militantne frakcije nakon marta 2001. postalo je jedno od istaknutih obilježja Intifade i uglavnom su ciljali izraelske civile.[11][12][13][14][15] Uz ukupnu cifru žrtava za borce i civile, procjenjuje se da je nasilje rezultiralo smrću oko 3.000 Palestinaca i 1.000 Izraelaca, kao i 64 strana državljana.[16]
Druga intifada je završena samitom u Šarm el Šeiku 2005,[17] pošto su se palestinski predsednik Mahmoud Abbas i izraelski premijer Ariel Sharon složili da preduzmu definitivne korake za deeskalaciju neprijateljstava.[18][19] Oni su također ponovo potvrdili svoju posvećenost "mapi puta za mir" koju je predložio Kvartet za Bliskom istoku 2003. Uz to, Sharon je pristao na oslobađanje 900 palestinskih zatvorenika[20] i dalje izjavio da će se izraelske trupe povući iz dijelova Zapadne obale koju su ponovo okupirali boreći se protiv palestinskih militanata tokom ustanka.
Strategic action by the two main Palestinian militant organizations, Fatah and Hamas, during the second intifada or uprising against the Israeli state and people (2000—5). ... during the second intifada, or uprising, of Palestinians against Israel between 2000 and 2005
The globalization of the Arab–Israeli conflict during the period of the second intifada against Israel (from the autumn 2000 through at least the spring of 2005) has fostered anti-Jewish violence in Europe and throughout the world.
Based on the assumption that there was no longer one front or one line of contact, Israel was carrying out dozens of simultaneous operations on the ground and in the air on a daily basis, including TKs, which were supposed to have multi-dimensional effects. According to Byman, TKs were mostly attractive to Israelis as they satisfied domestic demands for a forceful response to Palestinian terrorism. Byman also believes that by bolstering public morale, the TKs helped counter one of the terrorists' primary objectives – to reduce the faith of Israelis in their own government.
Suicide terror, lethal attacks indiscriminately carried out against civilians via self-immolation, attained prominence in the Palestinian repertoire beginning in March 2001. From that point until the end of 2005, at which point they virtually ceased, 57 suicide bombings were carried out, causing 491 civilian deaths, 73% of the total civilians killed by Palestinian resistance organizations and 50% of all Israeli fatalities during this period. While not the modal coercive tactic, suicide terror was the most efficient in terms of lethality, our basic measure of its efficacy.
In the early years of the 21st century, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza became the region of the world with the highest frequency of - and the highest per capita death toll due to - suicide bombing.
As part of the violence perpetrated by the Palestinians during the second intifada, suicide bombings played a particularly prominent role and served as the primary effective weapon in the hands of the planners.
This article attempts to identify the end of the second intifada by focusing on the incidence of suicide bombings, arguably the most important element of second intifada-related violence.
The period of the second Intifada significantly differs from other historical periods in Israeli history, because it has been characterized by intensive and numerous suicide attacks that have made civilian life into a battlefront.