Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS)
er et forskningssamarbejde mellem FAA, NASA, lokale lufthavne og andre luftfartsmyndigheder i USA. SATS er beregnet til automatisk at styre og guide mange større og mindre luftfartøjer. Dette inkluderer VTOL-fartøjer;
flyvende biler som f.eks. Moller Skycar og LaBiche Flying Sports Car No. 1.
Maj 2007 blev det annonceret at computersystemet er tæt på at være færdigt.
En væsentlig motivation for at fremskynde SATS var Terrorangrebet den 11. september 2001.
- ^ Web archive backup: SATS – a partnership of NCAM, NASA & the FAA
- ^ Web archive backup: Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS)
- ^ Web archive backup: April 17, 2005, 60 minutes: Flying Cars Ready To Take Off Citat: "...The Highway in the Sky" is a computer system designed to let millions of people to fly in their very own vehicles. (CBS/NASA)...It's called the AirScooter, and self-taught inventor Woody Norris says it goes on sale later this year...It's called the CarterCopter, and it has a large top rotor and small wings which double as fuel tanks..."
- ^ Video: Highway In The Sky Arkiveret 3. april 2013 hos Wayback Machine
- ^ Web archive backup: 05/28/2007, Getting ready for flying cars Citat: "...NASA's "Highway in the Sky," the revolutionary computer-generated system designed to move a virtually unlimited amount of air traffic through uncontrolled airspace, is nearing completion..."