All Saints' Flood (1304)

The All Saints Day flood (German: Allerheiligenflut) of 1304[1] was a storm surge that hit the southwestern Baltic Sea coast on 1 November (All Saints' Day) that year. The region of Western Pomerania was particularly badly affected by the flooding. 271 people died as a result of the flood. The dating of the disaster to All Saints' Day in 1304, which gave the flood its name, goes back to the Stralsundische Chronik by Johann Berckmann (died 1560).[2] This date is, however, not confirmed, although it is probable that the year was 1304.

  1. ^ Schreiber, Hermann and Georg (1962). Vanished Cities, pp. 18, 21, 23.
  2. ^ Berckmann, Johann, Stralsundische Chronik.

All Saints' Flood (1304) - Ogłoszenia lokalne