Arne (name)

Other names
See alsoArnt

Arne is a common masculine given name for males in Scandinavia. It is also a surname in England.

The name Arne originates from the old Norse name Arnfinn, which in turn is derived from the old Norse name for "eagle" combined with the word for a Finnic or Sami person.[1] The oldest attestation of the name is from a runestone in Vagnhärad dating to the 11th century.[citation needed]

The word arne also refers to the central stone on the floor of traditional Norwegian homes upon which the fire that provides the heating/cooking needs was lit. Similarly, "Arne" is Danish for the flame in a fireplace or old-fashioned oven or stove.

  1. ^ "Dansk Navneleksikon". (in Danish). Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab. Retrieved 2024-02-03.

Arne (name) - Ogłoszenia lokalne