Filename extensions | .gv |
Internet media type | text/vnd.graphviz |
Type of format | Graph description language |
Open format? | Yes |
DOT is a graph description language, developed as a part of the Graphviz project. DOT graphs are typically stored as files with the .gv
or .dot
filename extension — .gv
is preferred, to avoid confusion with the .dot
extension used by versions of Microsoft Word before 2007.[1] dot
is also the name of the main program to process DOT files in the Graphviz package.
Various programs can process DOT files. Some, such as dot, neato, twopi, circo, fdp, and sfdp, can read a DOT file and render it in graphical form. Others, such as gvpr, gc, acyclic, ccomps, sccmap, and tred, read DOT files and perform calculations on the represented graph. Finally, others, such as lefty, dotty, and grappa, provide an interactive interface. The GVedit tool combines a text editor and a non-interactive viewer. Most programs are part of the Graphviz package or use it internally.
DOT is historically an acronym for "DAG of tomorrow", as the successor to a DAG format and a dag program which handled only directed acyclic graphs.[2]