A lehenga-style sari is a modern garment introduced in India that blends elements of the traditional sari and lehenga choli. A lehenga-style sari is normally 4.5 metres (5 yards) to 5.5 metres (6 yards) long. To wear one, unlike a sari, one does not have to form pleats but may simply tuck and drape.
Like that of a traditional sari, the lehenga-style sari is worn over a petticoat (inskirt; pavadai or langa in the south, and shaya in eastern India, Lehenga in western India), along with a blouse called the choli, which is the upper garment. The style[1] of choli mostly resembles that of the choli of a conventional lehenga or ghagra choli. Sometimes conventional blouses are also matched with lehenga-style sari. The choli is mostly of a halter neck style, deep neck, or backless style. As with choli worn with the sari, these cholis are also embellished with kundan, beads, mirrors, etc.