Shared services center

TeliaSonera shared service center in Vilnius, Lithuania
Nasdaq shared services center in Vilnius, Lithuania
Lufthansa shared services centre in Kraków, Poland
Shared services center of local government in Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland
Swedbank shared services center in Vilnius, Lithuania
Danske Bank campus – a large shared services center in Vilnius, Lithuania

A shared services center – a center for shared services in an organization – is the entity responsible for the execution and the handling of specific operational tasks, such as accounting, human resources, payroll, IT, legal, compliance, purchasing, security. The shared services center is often a spin-off of the corporate services to separate all operational types of tasks from the corporate headquarters, which has to focus on a leadership and corporate governance type of role. As shared services centers are often cost centers, they are quite cost-sensitive also in terms of their headcount, labour costs and location selection criteria.

Shared services center - Ogłoszenia lokalne