Wanneroo wetlands

The Wanneroo wetlands are a series of wetlands, swamps and lakes that occur on the Swan Coastal Plain of Perth, Western Australia.[1][2] They are linked very closely to the Gnangara Mound.[3]

They are in part, incorporated into the Yellagonga Regional Park and also referred to as Yellagonga wetlands.[4]

  1. ^ Also known as Wanneroo lakes and Wanneroo linear lakes
  2. ^ Kennealy, Shona (1994) Oral Histories of Wanneroo wetlands: Recollections of Wanneroo Pioneers, changes that occurred between European settlement and the 1950s The Water Authority of W.A. http://henrietta.liswa.wa.gov.au/record=b1606874~S2
  3. ^ Bourke, S. A; Western Australia. Dept. of Water (2009), East Wanneroo integrated groundwater-lake flow modelling : predictive scenario modelling to support the Gnangara sustainability strategy, Dept. of Water, ISBN 978-1-921675-13-3
  4. ^ Ujma, Susan (1 January 2009), Historical geography of Yellagonga Regional Park, Western Australia, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, retrieved 30 August 2018

Wanneroo wetlands

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