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↑ abcdefAlexeyA.EremenkoAlexeyA., Luna Sea Biography [online], Allmusic, Cytat: Luna Sea were the definitive visual kei band of the '90s, rivaling even X-Japan, with whom they had a master-pupil relationship -- two members of X-Japan, which itself split in mid-'90s, discovered Luna Sea in 1990. Luna Sea’s sound was firmly based in '80s hard rock, but the band had a versatile, almost proggy approach to songwriting, and its softer side, displayed later on in the group’s career, proved equally strong (...). Formed: 1989 in Kanagawa, Japan Disbanded: 2000 in Tokyo, Japan Genre: Pop/Rock Styles: J-Pop, Japanese Rock(ang.).
↑ abcdeLuna Sea [online], sputnikmusic.com, Cytat: Genre: progressive rock, post punk, alternative rock (...) A year later, the group released two more singles to impressive success, and are one ofJapan’s mostsuccessful and wellknown rock groups in modern music history, as well as being true visual kei pioneers.(ang.).