The banner o Belize is a continued version o the earlier banner o Breetish Honduras (the name o Belize durin the Breetish colonial period).
Breetish Honduras obtained a coat-o-airms on Januar 28, 1907, which formed the basis o the badge uised on Breetish ensigns. The coat o airms mynds o the loggin industry that first led tae Breetish dounset thare. The figures, tuils, an mahogany tree represents this industry. Frae 1950 onwart, an unoffeecial naitional banner wis in uise. It wis blue, wi a modified version o the airms on a white disc in the centre (whiles a blank white circle wis uised as the coat o airms wis difficult tae draw). The naitional motto, Sub Umbra Floreo, meanin A Flourish in the Shade, is written in the lawer pairt o the coat-o-airms.