State o the Unitit States

Cairt o the Unitit States

A U.S. state (abbreviation o Unitit States state) is ony o the 50 federatit states o the Unitit States o Americae that share sovereignty wi the federal govrenment. Acause o this shared sovereignty, an American is a citizen baith o the federal entity an o his or her state o domicile.[1] Fower states uise the offeecial title o commonweel rather than state. State ceetizenship is flexible an no govrenment approval is required tae muive atween states (wi the exception o convicts on parole).

The Unitit States Constitution allocates pouer atween thon twa levels o govrenment. Bi ratifyin the Constitution, the fowk transferred certain limited sovereign pouers tae the federal govrenment frae thair states. Unner the Tenth Amendment, aw pouers no delegatit tae the U.S. govrenment nor prohibitit tae the states are retained bi the states or the fowk. Historically, the tasks o public safety (in the sense o controllin creeme), public eddication, public heal, transportation, an infrastructur hae generally been considered primarily state responsibilities, awtho aw o thir nou hae significant federal fundin an regulation as well (based lairgely upon the Commerce Clause, the Taxin an Spendin Clause, an the Necessary an Proper Clause o the Constitution).

Ower time, the Constitution haes been amendit, an the interpretation an application o its provisions haes chynged. The general tendency haes been toward centralization an incorporation, wi the federal govrenment playin a muckler role nor it ance did. Thare is a continuin debate ower states' richts, that concerns the extent an naitur o the states' pouers an sovereignty in relation tae the federal govrenment as weel as the richts o individual bodys.

Congress micht admit new states on an equal fittin wi existin anes; housomeivver, it haesnae duin sae syne 1959. The Constitution is silent on the quaisten o gin states hae the pouer tae unilaterally lea, or secede frae, the Union, but the Supreme Court haes ruled[2][3] secession tae be unconstitutional, a poseetion driven in pairt bi the ootcome o the American Ceevil War.

  1. See the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
  2. Aleksandar Pavković, Peter Radan, Creating New States: Theory and Practice of Secession, p. 222, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2007.
  3. Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1868) at Cornell University Law School Supreme Court collection.

State o the Unitit States - Ogłoszenia lokalne