Full House is an American comedy television series set in San Francisco. It originally aired from 1987 to 1995. It told the story of Danny Tanner (Bob Saget), a man whose wife has died and is left alone with his three daughters, DJ (Candace Cameron), Stephanie (Jodie Sweetin), and Michelle (Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen). He recruits his best friend, Joey Gladstone (Dave Coulier), a childlike stand-up comedian, and his brother-in-law (and the girls' uncle) Jesse Katsopolis (John Stamos), a struggling musican, to move in and help look after the girls.
The series is often criticised for its sickly sweet and unrealistic plotline and corny jokes, even though it ran for many years; some episodes dealt with real problems such as child abuse, drinking, and lying. Yet it has remained, in recent years, one of the very few adult comedy series that parents can watch with their kids.
In August 2014 it was announced that plans were underway to reboot the series which would reunite most of the original cast.[1] In 2016, Fuller House began airing on Netflix.