ASIN {{{1}}}, {{{title}}} ({{{date}}})
{{ASIN | asin_id_from_Amazon | country= | title= | date= }}
The usage structure above is written for easy reading. Due to a bug, you must not have linebreaks or spaces between the parameters.
If the ASIN begins with a number, it is a standard ISBN; please use "ISBN xxxxxxxxxx" instead of ASIN xxxxxxxxxx, as this will allow us to link to other sites as well as Amazon.
, in order to use their local Amazon sites (the template adds .co or .com before the country code as needed, so only the country code itself needs to be specified):
{{ASIN|B00086U61Y|title=Item's Title}}
{{ASIN| B00086U61Y|title=Item's Title|date=2000-12-24}}
{{ASIN|B00086U61Y|country=uk|title=Item's Title|date=2000-12-24}}