Tzipi Livni

Tzipi Livni

Tziporah Malka "Tzipi" Livni, (born 8 July 1958 in Tel Aviv) is a former Israeli politician. She was political leader of HaTnu'a ("The Movement").

Livni served both in the army and in the Mossad. Afterwards she studied law at Bar-Ilan University and worked as a lawyer.

From 1999 to 2012 and 2013 to 2019 she was a Member of Knesset.

In the 2000s she was in government, including the jobs of justice and foreign minister. During the Second Netanyahu Government (2009-2013) she was leading the parliamentarian opposition. In 2013 she joined the Third Netanyahu Government by becoming justice minister. In 2014 the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused her and Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid of trying to bring down his cabinet. They were sent away, which resulted in the downfall of his cabinet.

Originally she was a HaLikud politician, but in 2005 she joined Kadima. In 2012 she founded HaTnu'a. In the 2015 elections HaTnu'a formed one list with HaAvoda (Israeli Labor Party) and HaTnu'a HaYeruqa ("The Green Movement"), called HaMahaneh HaTziyoni ("The Zionist Union"). In the 20th Knesset she was leading this list with (former) HaAvoda leader Yitzhak Herzog.

Livni is in favour of the two-state solution, besides the State of Israel an independent State of Palestine. As a minister she spoke frequently with Palestinian politicians to achieve this goal.

Tzipi Livni - Ogłoszenia lokalne