What a Cartoon!

What A Cartoon! (later known as The What A Cartoon! Show and The Cartoon Cartoon Show) is an animated American television series. It is an anthology series created by Fred Seibert for Cartoon Network. The cartoons were produced by Hanna Barbera Productions. By the end of the series, a Cartoon Network Studios logo was added to some of the cartoons. This was done to show that they were original. The series included 48 cartoons. They were meant to return creative power to animators and artists. It was believed they would do this by recreating the iconic cartoon characters of the mid-20th century. Each of the cartoons folllowed the structure of a theatrical cartoon. Each one was based on an original storyboard drawn and written by its artist or creator. Three of the cartoons were paired together into a half-hour episode.

The series first aired on on February 20, 1995. The cartoons were promoted as World Premiere Toons. During the original run, the name of the series was changed to The What A Cartoon! Show . It was later changed to The Cartoon Cartoon Show The series aired until August 23, 2002.

The series helped revive television animation in the 1990s. It was a launching point for the Cartoon Network animated television series Dexter’s Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Cow and Chicken, I Am Weasel, and The Powerpuff Girls. Once it had several original cartoons, those became the first Cartoon Cartoons. From 2005 to 2008, The Cartoon Cartoon Show! was revived as a block for reruns of older Cartoon Cartoons that had been phased out by the network.

What a Cartoon!

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