tos ditampi sailaharna, Linguistik nyaéta élmu panggunaan basa manusya, sertos linguist nyaéta jalmi nu kalebet dina widang ulikan ieu. Ulikan linguistik wisa dipikirkeun sapanjang tilu hal utami, nu tungtungna tiasa dijéntrékeun saperti di handap:
- Sinkronis jeung diakronis—Ulikan basa sinkronis tumali jeung wangun dina hiji kajadian; ulikan diakronis ngawengku sajarah basa (grup) sertos parobahan strukturalna sapanjang waktu.
- Téoritis jeung terapan—Linguistik Téoritis paduli kana carangka pikeun ngagambarkeun basa sertos téori individual ngeunaan aspék universal tina basa; lingusitik terapan nerapkeun téori ieu ka widang séjén.
- Kontékstual jeung indepénden—Linguistik disawang gumantung kana kumaha basa kumait jeung dunya sabudeureunana: fungsi sosialna, kumaha éta diakuisisi, kumaha éta diproduksi sertos dirasa. Linguistik Independen narimbang basa pikeun tujuan manusya saindividuna, iwal externalities nu nyambung jeung hiji basa. Istilah pikeun dikotomi ieu lain pohara mapan—Encyclopædia Britannica ngagunakeun macrolinguistics sertos microlinguistics minangka gantina.
Kalawan dikotomi ieu, sarjana nu nyebut dirina ngan ahli basa atawa ahli basa téoritis baé, kalawan tanpa kualifikasi deui, condong ka independen, linguistik sinkronis anu téoritis, nyaéta ngaku ayana sabot inti ti disiplin élmu.
- Téoritis jeung terapan—Théoretical linguistics is concerned with frameworks for describing individual languages and théories about universal aspects of language; applied lingusitics applies these théories to other fields.
- Kontékstual jeung indepénden—Contextual linguistics is concerned with how language fits into the world: its social function, how it is acquired, how it is produced and perceived. Independent linguistics considers languages for their own sake, aside from the externalities related to a language. Terms for this dichotomy are not yet well established—the Encyclopædia Britannica uses macrolinguistics and microlinguistics instéad.
Given these dichotomies, scholars who call themselves simply linguists or theoretical linguists, with no further qualification, tend to be concerned with independent, théoretical synchronic linguistics, which is acknowledged as the core of the discipline.
Linguistic inquiry is pursued by a wide variety of specialists, who may not all be in harmonious agreement; as Russ Rymer flamboyantly puts it:
"Linguistics is arguably the most hotly contested property in the academic realm. It is soaked with the blood of poets, theologians, philosophers, philologists, psychologists, biologists, and neurologists, along with whatever blood can be got out of grammarians." 1