Federal Bureau of Investigation

Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI:s sigill
DepartementUSA:s justitiedepartement
SäteJ. Edgar Hoover Building, Washington, D.C.
SyfteFederal polismyndighet
FöregångareU.S. Bureau of Investigation
Inrättad26 juli 1908
MyndighetschefChristopher A. Wray
Budget$7,9 miljarder (2010)
Antal anställdaca 30 000
varav 12 000 specialagenter

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (på svenska: Federala utredningsbyrån), fram till 1935 Bureau of Investigation (BOI), är en amerikansk federal polismyndighet som är en del av USA:s justitiedepartement.[1]

I dess jurisdiktion ingår att utreda alla federala brott som i lag eller annan reglering inte har tilldelats någon annan federal polisorganisation. Prioritet ges för kontraterrorism, kontraspionage, cyberbrottslighet, organiserad brottslighet och narkotikahandel samt ekonomisk brottslighet.[1]

FBI ingår även som en del av USA:s underrättelsegemenskap. Vidare lämnar FBI stöd till delstatliga och lokala polismyndigheter i USA samt samarbetar med utländska polisorganisationer.[1]

  1. ^ [a b c] ”Federal Bureau of Investigation” (på engelska). United States Government Manual. https://www.usgovernmentmanual.gov/Agency?EntityId=2mZhVwTmt9s=&ParentEId=3jAPUb4n5pE=&EType=F2blCKa+e1g=. Läst 7 september 2021. ”The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the Department of Justice's principal investigative arm. It is primarily charged with gathering and reporting facts, locating witnesses, and compiling evidence in cases involving Federal jurisdiction. It also provides law enforcement leadership and assistance to State and international law enforcement agencies. The FBI was established in 1908 by the Attorney General, who directed that Department of Justice investigations be handled by its own staff. The Bureau is charged with investigating all violations of Federal law except those that have been assigned by legislative enactment or otherwise to another Federal agency. Its jurisdiction includes a wide range of responsibilities in the national security, criminal, and civil fields. Priority has been assigned to areas such as counterterrorism, counterintelligence, cybercrimes, internationally and nationally organized crime and drug-related activities, and financial crimes. The FBI also offers cooperative services to local, State, and international law enforcement agencies. These services include fingerprint identification, laboratory examination, police training, the Law Enforcement Online communication and information service for use by the law enforcement community, the National Crime Information Center, and the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime.” 

Federal Bureau of Investigation

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