Urmași | Boreas[*][[Boreas (Greek mythological personification and god of the North wind, storms, winter, sadness, depression, loneliness, solitude, absence, lack, calmness and serenity)|]] Zephyrus[*][[Zephyrus (Greek god of the wind from the west, spring, fertility, procreation, luck, rebirth, vegetation, flowers, bees and honey)|]] Notus[*][[Notus (god of the south wind, storms of late summer and early autumn, wetness, mist, and rain in Greek mythology)|]] Hesperus[*][[Hesperus (personification of the planet Venus or its manifestation in the evening)|]] Phaethon[*][[Phaethon (son of Eos by Cephalus or Tithonus in Greek mythology)|]] Luceafăr[*] Apeliotes[*][[Apeliotes (wind from the east in classical antiquity)|]] Euros[*][[Euros (the Greek deity representing the unlucky east wind , autumn, fall of leaves, agriculture, harvest, change , balance , comfort ,adulthood and maturity)|]] Caecias[*][[Caecias (northeast wind and its associated god in ancient Greece)|]] Lips[*][[Lips (SW wind in ancient Greece)|]] Sciron[*][[Sciron (personified NW wind in Greece)|]] Astraea Pyroeis[*][[Pyroeis (in Greek mythology is the sky god of Areios, the planet Mars)|]] Phaenon[*][[Phaenon (Synonym of Saturn)|]] Stilbon[*] Aoos[*][[Aoos (son of Cephalus in Greek mythology)|]] Emathion[*][[Emathion (mythological character, son of Tithonus)|]][1] Memnon[*][1] Argestes[*][[Argestes (Greek god of the northwest or westnorthwest wind)|]] |