In Argentina, the restriction of withdrawing cash from banks to $250 USD per week (at that time 1 USD = 1 ARS) was called a Corralito. The measure was imposed by the government of Fernando de la Rúa on December 1, 2001, in the face of a bank run. Subsequently, and due to the popularity that the term acquired, it began to be used in all Spanish-speaking countries to refer to the immobilization of deposits carried out by the government of any country.
The objective pursued with these restrictions was to prevent money from leaving the banking system, thus trying to avoid a wave of banking panic and the collapse of the system. According to Domingo Cavallo, in charge of the Ministry of Economy, when he announced the measure, he clarified that it did not prevent the use of electronic means of payment or bank transfers. The idea was that it be a temporary measure for 90 days while the debt was renegotiated.[1]