
Flag of Setomaa
Map of Setomaa from 1902. Regions then inhabited by Seto people in red, Russian-speaking areas in green, and (non-Seto) Estonian-speaking areas with red-and-white hatching.

Setomaa (Estonian: Setumaa; Russian: Сетумаа, Seto: Setomaa) is a region south of Lake Peipus and traditionally inhabited by the Seto people. The Seto dialect is a variety of South Estonian. The historic range of Setomaa is located in the territories of present-day Estonia and Russia. Estonian Setomaa presently consists of lands in Võru County located in southeastern Estonia and bordering Russia. Petseri (Russian: Pechory) has been the historic and cultural centre for the Setos.

Setomaa - Ogłoszenia lokalne